Choosing a sponsoring broker can seem daunting to a newly licensed, or soon to be licensed, prospective real estate agent.
Should you go with a big national brand or a more boutique firm? Should you go with a company that offers higher, or even 100% commission splits? Are there any hidden fees, quotas or ramp-up periods? What’s the company’s face-time or required floor-time policy? Is there any training, or is there too much training as in weeks of mandatory, in-person orientation?
We’ll cover all of these questions and more in this guide for new agents on how to choose a real estate sponsoring broker. It’s one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your career.
Table of Contents:
A Full Service Listing for 1%
Sell your home with a traditional full service listing for just one percent commission.
The main benefit of working at a big brokerage brand, typically one that has offices or franchisees across the country, is name recognition, perceived prestige and the ability to access office space and any related amenities.
The cons of working at a big brokerage brand include low commission splits, numerous fees, no leads, being on your own and getting lost in the shuffle.
In our opinion, working at a big brokerage brand usually isn’t a great idea especially for someone who’s just getting started in the industry.
That’s because a new agent typically doesn’t have the requisite deal experience or network to be able to generate their own deals, and thus most likely will just end up wasting time sitting in an office enjoying the free coffee vs actually closing any deals.
Remember, big brokerage brands essentially offer what amounts to a shared co-working space for 50% or more of your commission. At any of these traditional brokerage houses, you’ll generally be expected to source all of your own deals, which can be quite tough if you don’t have any experience to begin with.
How are you supposed to convince your friends and family to work with you when you’ve never sold or bought a property before?